Products Safes and Secure Storage Deposit Safes Associated Air Tube Deposit System

Associated Air Tube Deposit Safe
Secure Cash Deposit System
Ideal for retail environmentsAn Air Tube Deposit Safe provides a secure and efficient transfer solution for moving cash, documents or small valuables from their initial location – normally at the point of sale – to the locked safe in a restricted area of the premises. Air tube deposit safes help to avoid hold-ups on the shop floor whilst transporting cash and our solutions are UK manufactured and AiS approved…Read more…
- Move cash through public areas securely
- Reduce the risk and value of checkout snatches
- No need to close POS during cash collection
- Increase profitability
- Capsules deposited into a secure graded cash safe
Our unique pneumatic tube system allows capsules of money to be deposited into a tube system at a collection point situated at the till. The capsule is taken through a tube system and deposited directly into a locked commercial safe.
- Avoids hold-ups on the shop floor whilst carrying money to the cash office
- Money is deposited on a regular basis, keeping the amount in the till minimal
- Capsules are securely deposited into a locked safe out of sight and fitted with a time delay unit
- Gives peace of mind knowing staff are not going to be attacked carrying large amounts of money across the shop floors
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