Products Safes and Secure Storage Deposit Safes Associated Rotunda Deposit Safe

Associated Rotunda Deposit Safe
Secure cash deposit
Insurance ApprovedOur Rotunda Deposit Safe provides both a secure deposit facility and an internal locked cupboard for the deposited goods to remain within. The rotunda deposit feature is operated by a single key lock, and the internal compartment requires dual key opening, providing the optimum protection for deposited goods. The internal cupboard within our rotunda deposit safe prevents access to prohibited items being gained by those with sole access to the body of the safe. Manufactured in the UK, our rotunda deposit safe is ideal for banking security requirements, pharmaceutical or even retail situations…Read more…
- Available in Grades 0-5
- AiS Approved
- Key locking supplied as standard
- Electronic or combination locking upgrades available
- Fitted with fire-resistant material
- Optional extras available
Our UK manufactured Rotunda Deposit Trap safe has been designed and manufactured to provide the ideal secure storage deposit safe system for a variety of commercial security requirements.
The Rotunda Deposit System provides an optimal solution for securely depositing cash and company assets, without having to grant access to multiple staff members and has been manufactured with feedback from our customer base and current security demands in mind.
With anti-phishing devices installed, this prevents any attempted access through the rotunda deposit trap. The rotunda deposit trap is situated within the interior of the safe, behind a lockable compartment to provide additional protection for deposited goods.
- First class protection against oxy-arc, disc cutting and sledge hammer attacks.
- No reduction in cash rating!
- Internally mounted rotunda deposit facility protected by safe walls
- Front or Rear Facing
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